Social Science
Social Sciences offer equal promise for improving human welfare; our lives can be greatly improved through a deeper understanding of individual and collective behavior.
Students in Social Science have the choice to study Psychology, Sociology and Criminology in KS5 curriculum, and Health and Social Care in both our KS4 & KS5 curriculum. The aim of all subjects in social science is to develop critically analytical DACA students, that are aware of the society in which they live and how it affects their attitudes, thoughts and behaviour. We build on their critical analysis of theories, social structures, psychological perspectives and methods of measurement by equipping them with the skills to be able to evaluate and giving them the opportunity to ask questions and reflect:
- What does the evidence suggest?
- Why is it like that?
- How might we use this knowledge?
- Why must we be cautious of these findings/views?
For all four subjects we intend to provide the students with the core knowledge needed for examination at the end of KS4 and 5, but also provide a curriculum that is knowledge rich and includes knowledge that strengthens the schemata of students and makes the learning more accessible to the real world. Social science subjects aim to be rich in knowledge, consequently social science students will develop into critical, analytical thinkers. By acquiring the knowledge students will build on their skills of inquiry, analysis and critique.
Social Science Team
The Social Science faculty comprises a committed and hardworking team with a range of experiences and skills.
Miss | Charlotte | Davies | Teacher of Social Science | |
Mrs | Andrea | McGovern | Teacher of Social Science | |
Miss | Saliha | Patel | Teacher of Social Science | |
We aim to engender a love of learning, self-belief and aspiration through several intentions that are unpacked further. Those intentions are removing barriers to learning; developing knowledge and skills for learning in a range of subjects; developing personal attributes and to enrich students’ experiences and broaden their horizons.
Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and how it dictates and influences our behaviour, from communication and memory to thought and emotion. It's about understanding what makes people tick and how this understanding can help us address many of the problems and issues in society today. People seek the help and support of psychologists for all sorts of problems, and psychologists employ their knowledge and expertise to help in many areas of society. The A level Psychology curriculum will give students a strong foundation to pursue a career in the field. By the end of the course students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of psychological concepts, theories, research studies, research methods and ethical issues within Psychology. They will be able apply psychological knowledge and understanding in a range of contexts and be able to analyse, interpret and evaluate psychological concepts, theories, research studies and research methods. Knowledge and understanding of research methods, practical research skills and mathematical skills is a vital part of the Psychology curriculum and students will be given opportunity to design and carry out their own research as well as practice analysis and interpreting data
Year 12 Psychology
Terms 1&2
The first two terms are used as an introduction to the main approaches in psychology that are then later embedded by psychopathology. students begin the study of Psychopathology. Psychopathology examines the definitions of abnormality and then investigating Psychological research into the causes and treatments for Depression, phobias and Obsessive‐ Compulsive Disorder. This topic also requires the application of all the content learnt in approaches. This gives students a chance to gain a real feel for the topic of psychology holistically as well as initially investigating the history of psychology.
After this Social influence will focussed as it works well with research methods. Maths and research methods skills will also be worked alongside the first 2 topics. Students will grasp the importance of research throughout the first 2 terms as this topic has the most marks allocated to it throughout the whole Psychology course. Experimentation will be firstly focussed on, hypothesis, sampling and design of studies. Followed by ethics, case studies, questionnaires and interviews. A baseline assessment will occur after Behaviourist approach. This will be used to compare to GCSE result and ALPS data. In addition, 24 mark EOTT will occur at the end of each topic.
Social influence
Terms 3 & 4
This term requires student to work through the remaining AS topics; memory, attachment and RM block. The memory topic requires a good understanding of the cognitive approach and is generally found quite difficult by the students. Opportunity within memory to carry out EWT research and in class participation of experiments- generally at this point student have a better grasp of research methods and it is useful to apply to real life. Cognitive Neuropsychology is better taught after approaches so foundation knowledge can be applied to concepts. Attachment is a longer topic and normally taught before the Easter term. Practical work such as egg babies can also be carried out over holidays. Mock exams will be in January and 2 hr exam covering the topics covered in Term 1 and 2. Classroom intervention will occur to increase grades of students who are struggling. Decisions will be made as to who will be required to sit AS formal examination.
Research Methods.
By Term 4 AS topics are generally complete. Students are preparing for June Mock exams where they will sit 2 full AS papers. This will determine whether students continue to A2
In addition, A2 advanced topics will be added on. Students then complete Biopsychology, the final topic in paper 2. This topic contains the most demanding content in terms of biological sciences. The focus is on the nervous and endocrine system, the brain and biological rhythms. Students will have opportunity to apply the new skills they have developed writing
advanced evaluation. Students also complete the final content in research methods with a focus on inferential
statistics. As DACA enter students into the AS examination; the add on A2 units are taught at the end of year 12, to ensure that examination content is covered before May.
Work over the summer holidays is also provided. This involves foundation work for Issues and debates unit.
Approaches: Humanistic/Psychodynamic
Biopsychology: Biological Rhythms, Ways of measuring the brain. Localisation/Lateralisation.
Revision of Year 12 topics.
Year 13 Psychology
At the start of year 13 students, begin by reviewing the summer homework set for issues and debates and how this can be used to enhance evaluation in extended writing questions. Recap over issues and debates will then occur with an EOTT.
Some students invited to attend year 12 lessons. Schizophrenia is then taught with a focus on 16 mark questions, application of IAD and application to scenario questions. Topics include IAD, Schizophrenia, Mock exams occur in November with 3 paper using A2 content where appropriate. Some time is allocated to revisit year 12 content. Research methods recap with application to scenario to occur with inferential statistics. Exam technique focus and how to raise your grade reflection
Sex and gender topic to be covered next as it has a similar layout to schizophrenia. Psychology/ biological explanations and treatments applied to the topic. EOTT. Topic in term 2 include research methods, Sex and gender and Forensic Psychology main focus of this term. Profiling and biological/psychological explanations/treatments investigated. Issues and debates is recapped throughout ensuring focus on exam technique and application of IAD to exam answers. March Mocks include focussed revision and revision techniques taught.
In the final two terms all teaching of new content has been completed. Students will use remaining time to revise all prior topics. Lessons will be spent reteaching and reassessing students on prior content from all three papers. This will include weekly assessment of exam papers. Content that will be retaught which focuses on areas of identified weakness in assessments, areas students lack confidence and areas likely to emerge in this year’s exam. Students will be given practice exam questions and regular tests that will enable them to see what topics they should focus their revision on.
Students will use their mock papers, revision guides and marked activities to revise key concepts, phrases and knowledge and try to apply it to different exam questions in lesson and outside of lesson.
To ensure students achieve they fullest potential in Psychology, students will be formatively assessed through written assessment that includes EOTT, short questions, extended essays and research methods questions that will embed key elements of the mark schemes.
- Students are given a DO now at the start of each lesson; consists of an exam question.
- Data from assessments will then be used to target students and aim to enhance their development areas though re‐teaching lessons and intervention.
- Student data from assessments and mock exams will be analysed to highlight any areas for development e.g. short mark questions, extended writing or research methods/maths.
- Students will be set homework regularly which requires them to revisit content from the lessons and practise assessment style questions. This ensures learning is extended further. All homework will be recorded on marksheet
- Students will be directed to do further reading around the subject by making use of online resources and materials in the Russell library. Extracurricular trips will also be organised to Psychological institutions through contacts gained at subject Lead’s university.