Useful Links

Useful Links

Remote Learning - Year 11

Remote Learning - Year 11

Subject Areas
Please click into the subject to download the work document attached to that subject. 

Maths English Science History 

GeographyReligious Studies MFL Performing Arts 

Art Photography Technology Business Studies 

MusicFilm Studies P.E BTEC Sport 

Technology Health & Social Care   

Useful Email Addresses

Useful Telephone Numbers

Reception - 01254 819500

Attendance - 01254 819526

Childline - 0800 1111

The Wish Centre - 01254 260465

Kooth (Free online counselling and support) -

IT Services

01254 819566

(Please contact our ITDS servicedesk if your child needs help logging into any of our learning portals)?

Online Learning Portals - Click on the links below to view each site

Office 365 -

Ilearn -

Century -


Accelerated Reading

myON (Online Ebooks) -

Write to Unite


If you have a safeguarding concern about a child, then please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead,  Lenny Lewis at or our Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Rachel Lewis at

If you are concerned about any online activity in regards to a child or if your child has been contacted by someone who is unknown to them please contact either of the above and also seek advice from

Please also note the contact details for Childline in the useful numbers list above as well as Kooth, which is a free, online counselling service that any child can access if they are anxious or worried.

Useful Resources